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The 112 Magnum Stainless Steel Kit includes 5pcs / 10pcs  Magnum or Curved Magnum needles and a stainless steel gripper.

It's available by preorder, with the wait time dependent on current order volume.

Anti - 
traumatic, easy puncture tattoo needles hand crafted by AbuSev Tattoo for professional tattoo artists.

783 $ - 1,168 $ (usd)

REVIEWS from customers

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112 Magnum (Straight Magnum) tattoo needles will be suitable for large solid ink on well stretched surfaces, that including both arms and legs. This shape of solder is in every day use by us for blackwork on arms, that including forearms. Together with our 112 Magnum we normally use our  49 Magnum configuration or smaller needles for detailed finish and on relief parts like elbows. 

112 Round Magnum (Curved Magnum) tattoo needles will be suitable for large solid ink on softer surfaces, for large shading and color blending (skin is still in need of stretching to avoid excess amortization). For example 112 Round Magnum would be suitable for solid ink on thighs . 

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Original AbuSev Tattoo needles compared to copies

How to set up 112 Magnum on Krucio Universal

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